Coaching provides an incredible opportunity to partner with a professional dedicated to support you to see the changes you want to make in your life. A coaching relationship helps you build practical strategies for success. Working with you, I will help you clarify your goals and encourage you to realize them based on strengths you have and may have forgotten. Gaining new resources, new tools, new skills- and practicing them, together we will create new possibilities to see you flourish!
- ADHD Coaching -
- Coaching with The Daring Way™ in Mind -
- Mindfulness & Wellness Coaching -


- ADHD Coaching for Kids -
- For Adolescents in College -
- Parent Coaching -
The Parsippany Counseling Center offers counseling and coaching services for students and parents. As a past leader of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and a frequent seminar presenter at their meetings, we are widely known and respected among the educational community, both here in New Jersey and around the country. We provide a wide array of services for adults, children and their families including individual coaching and group counseling.